Background image as top pallet logo

Template settings

Top Pallet:

Top Pallet Padding Left: 0 Top Pallet: Has Height on Desktop: ON (mobile too, if you want it there)


Top Pallet Title: Visible on Desktop: On (mobile too, if you want it there)

Navigation (if you want it in the Top Pallet):

Location: Top Pallet
Float: None

Here's the phplugins code:

function pallet_top_title () { echo ' <li class="top-pallet-logo"><a href="/"></a></li> '; return false; }

Here's the css. Of course, replace the backgound-image url with your own:

/*Top pallet title logo via background image */ .page__pallet__top > .content > ul > li { margin: 0; height: 48px; } /*logo as background image*/ .top-pallet-logo { background-image: url(""); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 192px; height: 48px; } a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

Pallet 01

Praesent nunc metus, convallis ac interdum id, pretium varius urna. Nam rutrum, nunc in molestie vestibulum, arcu turpis auctor tellus, eget interdum nulla mauris et dolor. Aenean eget lectusporttitor, condimentum ex eu, varius neque. Sed vitae erat non metus hendrerit ornare.